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New Updates for the Delta Conveyance Project

New Updates for the Delta Conveyance Project

Governor Newsom announced an update on the $20 billion Delta Tunnel Project on May 16, 2024. The Delta Tunnel Project would transform the massive water system that sends Northern California water south. The goal of this project is to collect and deliver more water to two-thirds of California’s population and 750,000 acres of farmland during wet periods, shore up supplies against the threats of climate change, and protect the system from earthquakes, ultimately fueling a $2.3 trillion portion of the state’s economy. The state estimates that the project’s benefits would total nearly $38 billion by offsetting steep reductions in water deliveries due to existing infrastructure limitations and climate change. The cost analysis is the state’s latest step towards building the 45-mile tunnel, which would create a second route to draw water from the Sacramento River into the State Water Project.

The Delta Conveyance Project is critical to the state because California would have fewer periods of mandatory water rationing and less severe rationing. If construction begins in 2029 as planned, the tunnel could be operational by 2045, providing a long-term solution to the state’s water challenges amidst increasing climate impacts.

Investment in water infrastructure is crucial to improving water transportation throughout the state. The Delta Conveyance project will create good-paying jobs for union workers and ensure water reliability for 27 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland.



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