Fix Every Bridge
A lot is riding on Southern California’s bridges. Take action about the plan to Fix Every Bridge.

California is home to nearly 2,000 structurally deficient bridges.
These bridges are some of the most heavily traveled in the country and millions of people depend on them for travel every day. Repairing and updating these bridges can’t wait, the time to act is now.
Join RSCP’s effort to Fix Every Bridge.
Benefits of Repairing Bridges in Southern California
Fix Every Bridge
Many of the bridges in California are classified as structurally deficient, meaning some portion of the bridge needs urgent repair. These bridges play a vital role in our communities, they connect people to jobs, schools and family members; they ensure access to hospitals and for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles; and they also play a critical role in our economy – ensuring efficient and reliable goods movement. (Source)
Approximately 50% of bridges in the state have exceeded their design life and the backlog of recommended maintenance, repair and replacement work continues to grow. (Source)
California is home to the second largest percentage of functionally obsolete bridges, or bridges with outdated designs that frequently contribute to congestion chokepoints and ranks among the top states for bridges in “poor” condition by bridge deck area. (Source)
In Southern California, some of our largest and most traveled bridges along corridors such as I-5 in San Diego, Highway 101, I-10, I-110 and I-710 LA river crossing in Los Angeles, and CA-60 in Riverside are in need of major repair and rehabilitation. (Source)
Five of the top ten most traveled structurally deficient bridges in the country are in Southern California, with a combined average daily travel of 1.25 million. (Source)
Fixing our bridges will keep communities connected, increase safety and create good paying union jobs.
Fixing Every Bridge will:
Create good-paying union construction jobs
Reduce commute times and road congestion
Increase commuter safety and reducing accidents
Cut response time for first responders
Improve ability to withstand natural disasters

Did You Know?
- State of CA’s bridges were rated a C- as of California’s 2019 Infrastructure Report Card (Source)
- 53% of California bridges are at least 50 years old (Source)
- Did you know freeway overpasses are also considered bridges?
- There are 25,657 bridges in the state of California. This includes locally owned, public and road bridges (Source)
- 673,254,080 million cars drive over bridges daily in California. (Source)