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Preparing for the 2028 Olympics

Preparing for the 2028 Olympics

Mayor Karen Bass is feeling the pressure to start preparing for 2028. As many are aware, in the summer of 2028, Los Angeles will host the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Los Angeles, and California as a whole, will need to finish major infrastructure projects in order to support the demand for commuters during the Olympic games. This is a big step for Los Angeles and a great opportunity to showcase why it’s one of the best cities in the United States. And while 4 years may seem far away…. there is so much to be done before then!

Recently, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass had a wake-up call when she visited Paris to see how the city was preparing for the 2024 games. Bass realized that 2028 is right around the corner, and last minute fixes should happen at least a year in advance, not months before. “It put a fire under us to realize that we need to get far more involved in Olympic preparation and all that it might mean,” Bass said during a Metro meeting last week. Bass recently announced that the Los Angeles region secured nearly $900 million in federal funds for infrastructure and rail expansion in advance of the 17-Day 2028 Olympic Games.

The Partnership is keen to support and make sure that Southern California\’s infrastructure is ready for the 2028 Olympic Games. Rebuild SoCal Partnership supports investment in infrastructure projects to ensure that Southern California continues to improve bridge, road, highway, rail, and water infrastructure projects across the region on a yearly basis. And with more opportunity on the horizon for Southern California, we will see a greater need for improved infrastructure, as well as more good-paying and reliable jobs available for folks in our region!

Stay tuned for all of the latest updates and developments around the Olympics and how they intersect with infrastructure and job creation!


  1. LA Times
  2. Politico

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