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Delta Conveyance Project is Moving Forward

December 8th, 2023 marked a significant milestone for the Delta Conveyance Project. The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) released a final Environmental Impact Report for the tunnel project. The announcement by the DWR has concluded that the Bethany Alignment is the preferred project alternative. It would connect to the State Water Project at the Bethany Reservoir, where the 444-mile California Aqueduct begins. Moving the Delta Conveyance Project forward will protect water supplies for more than two-thirds of California! 

As we face another potential wet winter in California, this announcement signals California’s continued commitment to preparing our state for the impacts of climate change. Moving forward with this project is critical to ensuring California’s water security. 

The Delta Conveyance Project will modernize our state’s aging water infrastructure, guard against threats like rising sea levels and earthquakes, and prepare us for a more uncertain water future. We need to invest in an all-of-the-above water solution! We support the #DCP! 


Listen to our latest podcast episode: The Challenges and Opportunities of Water in Southern California. 

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