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Construction Industry at Risk: Big Concerns, Big Hit to Bottom Line

Impact of the Construction General Permit Renewal on Contractors and Public Agencies

The California Water Resources Control Board is renewing the Construction General Permit for stormwater runoff. During this podcast episode of The Rebuild SoCal Zone podcast, host Marci Stanage discusses the draft of the permit renewal release and its potential impact on building and land development. Guests Dr. Mark Grey, Technical Director for the Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality (CICWQ), and Dave Mercier, Water Quality Department Manager at Michael Baker International, offer insight for contractors, public agencies, and their employees.

“The main purpose of the permit is to control and minimize the amount of sediment and soil dirt suspended in runoff which leaves a project site. And that has a real sweeping effect [to]  just about every construction project in California,” says Grey. “The cost impact of this . . . is going to be big.”

Click play >>HERE<< to discover what this could mean to your construction projects.

“These regulations aren’t going away. . . [they are] supposed to renew every five years and, as we see, sometimes they run longer. But there will be another construction general permit after this, and we do need to work within the bounds of them,” says Mercier. “In the end, we all care about what’s getting into our receiving waters [and] getting to the ocean, but are the actions that are being requested here really leading to that ultimate improvement in water quality?”

To learn more, click play >>HERE!<<

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