Home Careers 12th Annual Infrastructure Week
12th Annual Infrastructure Week

12th Annual Infrastructure Week

This week is the 12th annual Infrastructure Week. For over ten years, United for Infrastructure has presented Infrastructure Week as an annual nationwide event raising awareness and advocating for infrastructure and infrastructure improvements. Infrastructure improvements are critical to the economy and communities here in Southern California. Advocating and educating the public about new infrastructure projects is essential to ensuring these projects get carried out. With the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, new projects are beginning to break ground from coast to coast. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act might be remembered as the act that changed infrastructure in America for the 21st century. With expenditures up to 1.8 trillion dollars, this act emphasizes public works and private investments. These investments go towards rebuilding America\’s electrical grids, bridges, telecommunications, and other infrastructure needs. More transformative infrastructure investments like this could reinvigorate remote regions of the country if implemented in ways that rebuild trust and provide long-term benefits to the community.

Investment in infrastructure leads to more projects in Southern California, leading to more jobs for our workers. For instance, the Coachella Valley Rail project is a 144-mile route service to transform, connect, and expand economic investment and ultimately provide more travel options for Inland Empire residents. Projects like this ensure infrastructure investments benefit communities over the short and long term.

Rebuild encourages you to follow along this week and beyond and observe what is happening during the 12th annual Infrastructure Week and the importance of new infrastructure projects.



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