Pure Water
About MWD’s Proposed Regional Recycled Water Program

Every drop of water is precious, and Metropolitan Water District’s (MWD) planned water recycling facility in Carson will maximize the ability to respond to climate change and ever-present drought conditions while creating thousands of local jobs, millions of gallons of water, and billions of dollars spent right here in our community.
Metropolitan is the nation’s largest wholesaler of water, serving 19 million people over 5,200 square miles. Due to the ongoing drought conditions throughout the state, it is imperative to find innovative solutions to address this crisis and continue to meet the needs of Southern California residents. Lake Oroville, Lake Mead, and Lake Powell are all at historic or record lows, and the Colorado River is in long-term drought conditions.
MWD’s Regional Recycled Water Program will create 50,000 jobs during construction and 1,000 permanent facility jobs, while also creating a sustainable, local water supply in Southern California – enough to serve 500,000 households annually.
The recycling facility will take used water from homes, businesses, and industries in LA County, clean it at the Sanitation Districts’ Joint Water Pollution Control Plant, and then purify that water at Metropolitan’s advanced water treatment plant.
The result will be clean, sustainable water that can be conveyed through over 60 miles of pipeline to groundwater basins, industries, or Metropolitan’s treatment plants.
Benefits of the Regional Recycled Water Program
A treatment facility that will purify wastewater to replenish groundwater basins, supply businesses, and augment Metropolitan’s treated supply
Addresses the needs of currently underserved communities in Southern California
Treatment of enough water to serve 500,000 households each year
50,000 construction jobs
1,000 permanent facility jobs
Millions of gallons of recycled water to help fight the ongoing drought
The Regional Recycled Water Program will Provide
Up to 150 million gallons per day or 168,000 acre-feet per year
Enough water for over 1.5 million people
One of the largest programs of its kind in world
Construction Generates

Operations & Maintenance Provides

A New Source of Water for Southern California
- Drought-proof supply
- Local and readily available
- Replenishes groundwater basins
- Improves climate and seismic resiliency